Page 31 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-104-109.docx
P. 31

There was a good selection of bottles being auctioned from a large box of miscellaneous
            bottles to rare single malts and some great ceramics. I bought the Manchester United set
                                                                     of 13 bottles, or I thought I had. I

                                                                     discovered later that I was missing
                                                                     Matt Busby (the manager) and had
                                                                     one duplicate bottle. I did however
                                                                     buy them very cheaply, US$102. I
                                                                     was stood next to the seller when
            they were auctioned and he was clearly pissed-off at the low price.

                                                                              It may not look it from my
                                                                              photos but this show was
                                                                              well attended. The photo
                                                                              below shows dealer Harry
                                                                              Goetz setting up. Harry
                                                                              came to the show from San
                                                                              Francisco via Florida, where
                                                                              he bought part of long time
                                                                              club member, Adrian Carr’s
                                                                              collection. The cover bottles
                                                                              are all ex-Adrian and are all
                                                                              sample bottles. On the left is
                                                                              one of two Raintree clown

            bottles (which I bought), in
            the middle is a warrior
            from Hawiian Distillers
            and on the right is a Ski
            Country sample of a Drum
            Major (which I also
            bought). Probably the
            reason the latter was
            never made is that it
            bears a VERY close
            resemblance to the
            Dewar’s Drum Major.

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