Page 33 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-104-109.docx
P. 33
his stall. A few other prized
purchases are shown on the
left. Union Brewery is a
ceramic bottle made by Dug’s
(best known for the brothel
series), the man & woman are
from RS Limited of California.
The lips move (a flicker bottle)
when you turn the bottle.
There is at least one variation
of each of these, a blue man (I
just missed buying this on
another stall) and a woman with a blue top.
The Mount Hope Old Time Fire Engine has
been shown in miNiZ before but the other
side was shown. I bought this for about a
fifth of what they have sold for on Ebay.
It’s about time we had some bottles I didn’t
buy. The first three bottles are all Tequillas.
Destileria 501 Torero Anejo is the great
bottle with the bull and bullfighter in the
central hole. It is 50ml 38%. The next two
bottles are both Grand Mayan, the
brown one Reposado and the blue
Extra Anejo. Both are 50ml, 40%.
Finally in this group we have a man
made by Silver State for Stroh
Brewery. It is a limited edition of 600.
Note that these were never filled.
Next we have thirteen, yes, 13
new Ski Country bottles – but
only if you collect variations and have deep
pockets. Otherwise there are three – read
First up is the White Tailed Deer. This
comes in four variations, natural colour
(190 made) and 20 each of white, gold &
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