Page 27 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-104-109.docx
P. 27
uses the same picture as shown on the flat
barrel flask but the Edinburgh Castle is
completely different. McLech made one other
shape of flask, the leaf Flask. On the right are
two of many examples but the only Scottish
Castles I know about.
It's about time we had some jugs so I will start
with five jugs from English company,
Lindisfarne. It may sound Scottish but
Lindisfarne, otherwise known as Holy Island, is
an island off the coast of Northumberland.
Lindisfarne Mead is made on the island at St Aidan's Winery. We start
with the usual Balmoral and Edinburgh Castles (2) but then we have
three different ones, Stirling, Floors &Blair.
No article like this
would be complete
without a pile of jugs
from Rutherford. They
have been making
miniature jugs for many
years and the Castle
Jugs have clearly been
popular given the number you see in
collections. They have been made with various
coloured tops and at least four castles are
pictured, Balmoral, Edinburgh, Glamis & Ross.
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