Page 14 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-123-125.docx
P. 14
Next day it was on to St. Louis with a stop at a distillery about an hour from our destination, Wood
Hat Spirits, that currently doesn’t make minis but they are thinking about it. They have a unique
bottle that they said was available in 50ml size. We each bought a shot glass and encouraged
them to make some minis. We arrived in St. Louis, checked into the hotel and did what any
diehard bottle collector would do when attending a bottle convention, we headed out to check out
the liquor stores. This is an annual tradition that we normally do on Friday but the last couple of
years if we get in town early enough we have headed out to catch a couple on Thursday night.
This Compass box set was one of my
first finds along with the new Johnnie
Walker Gold Label and 18 year old
(they come in a set that I had seen
online but had not seen them sold
individually). I also found the Johnnie
Walker Blue (with box) and the
Macallan 12 Sherry Oak that I had not
picked up in Idaho. I picked up some
extras of these so I would have them
for the show. After going to 4 or 5
liquor stores we headed back to the
hotel to go to dinner.
Also that evening, actually
before we headed out to the
liquor stores, we did some
exchanging with Rotem and I
got some really nice bottles.
The Monkey Head Vodka, a
pair of Glenfiddich bottles,
some Scotch soccer bottles
and some other scotch bottles
(too many to show).
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