Page 12 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-123-125.docx
P. 12

The six statues on the last page are all from Tangaroa of the Cook Islands and
               represent the God Tangaroa. There are various colours. I know of a dark green and
               a dark brown in addition to the ones shown, if you know of any other colours,
               pictures please. The fourth bottle is white by the way, it is a bad photograph. These
               mainly came with Tangaroa liqueur in them but some had perfume. You have no way
               of knowing if you buy an empty one. The next bottles are a later version of Tangaroa.
               I think that these were only filled with liqueur. There is variation in the colouring of
               these and I do not know whether this was intentionally or through poor glazing
               technique. I suspect that there are at least a plain green and brown to match the
               plain blue. Left to right I call these blue, mid-blue, pale blue, mid-green and pale

                                                       There was a gap of a few years after the last
                                                       bottles before the next arrived. These again
                                                       depict Tangaroa but are from a new company,
                                                       Blue Moon. I know that there are more colours
                                                       and in this case I want both pictures and some
                                                       bottles if anyone is going to The Cooks. That is
                                                       assuming they are still made as these are a few
                                                       years old now.

                                                       Finally, if anyone knows of any bottles from any
                                                       other Pacific Countries or Territories please
                                                       send me some photos:

                                                                                       David Smith

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