Page 12 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-98-103.docx
P. 12

meder gin

                                               One of the advantages of running Miniature Bottle Library
                                               is that people send you photos, some of which are great
                                               to use in miNiZ also. An F. J. Meder from Schiedam sent
                                               these photos of their collection of mini Meder Gins
                                               (Genever or Jenever in Dutch). It was way back in 1999
                                               that we last featured a 'serious' number of square Dutch
                                               gins (from the late Bill Gueho's collection), so let's start
                                               with some of those.

            The two green bottles are
            Beste Schiedammer Genever
            & Beste Brandewijn whilst the
            two clear bottles are Zwaan
            Citroen Jenever & Beste
            Schiedammer Genever.

            The next photo shows three
            old round bottles in lovely
            condition. These are all cork
            closure bottles with lead
            seals. First is a Legygne
            Vieux Brandy, second is a Gold Liqueur,
            complete with gold flakes and finally a Cognac.

                                                          The picture on the left shows three liqueurs,
                                                          two in excellent condition and one OK. First is a
                                                          Kersen Brandewijn, followed by a Cherry
                                                          Brandy and finally Frambozen Brandewijn.

            Starting the next page we have a row of 8 round gins, all in green glass bottles. The first
            five are all Zeer Oude Genever, the next two Beste Schiedammer Genever and the final
            bottle is a Jonge Korenwijn Genever. Unfortunately none of these bottles shows the
            quantity of proof.

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