Page 39 - Issues131-133
P. 39

store next to breakfast place but it was closed.  We headed out to Lukas liquors (a store that used to be
         popular to get minis) since it was one of the few stores that opened at 9.  I found a new compass box
         presentation (I later discovered that 2 of the labels had changed also) and Pete picked up a couple of
         bottles.  We then went to another store we had luck at and I found a bourbon I had not seen before (and
         it was $1) so I picked up 6.  Pete also picked up a couple of cheap bottles.  After a stop at target to get
         toys for Rotem’s kids we headed back to another store near the hotel that we have previously had luck
         at.  Pete again found a couple of things.  We decided to go to the store that was next to where we had
         breakfast.  I found 3 Amrut Indian whiskies in tins that I didn’t have a nice Glenrothes set, some Chivas
         13 (Manchester edition) and Highland Park Magnus (the last 2 I already had but the prices were
         ridiculously low).  We then headed for another branch of this store (that we had visited before). There we
         found Ole Smokey flavored bourbons on sale for $1 each and 5 Johnnie Walker Green Label (new
         bottle).  We felt so good about this chain (they have 3 locations in the area) we headed for another one.
         This one was a disappointment , they had a decent selection, but nothing that we had not already seen.
         After a stop for lunch at a favorite St. Louis BBQ place we headed back to the hotel, having avoided the
         bad part of St. Louis for the first time in years.

                                                   Made it back to the board meeting and that was the first
                                                   indication of who we might see at the show (we had only
                                                   seen 2 others prior to this). The board meeting was over
                                                   earlier than usual (we actually started a little early) so we
                                                   had a chance to eat before everyone else showed up for the
                                                   meeting.  When people started coming in, it was obvious
                                                   there was going to be fewer than normal.  Some of the tables
                                                   were 1/2 full and even though we ordered food for less than
                                                   normal there was lots of it left.  I was surprised of the quality
                                                   of auction items (usually there are some “junk items” that
                                                   people are just trying to dump at auction). The bidding didn’t
                                                   get crazy on anything that I remember. I got a set of whiskies
                                                   that were new to the show and it seemed like those that did
                                                   bid got good deals on what they got.

         Everything was done by about
         8:30 and a bunch of us ended
         up meeting in the Hotel Bar.  A
         group of us did get to meet a
         drunk lawyer from Florida that
         spent about 15 uncomfortable
         minutes entertaining us with her
         views on Women and the Family
         law cases.  Oh did I happen to
         mention she would have
         embarrassed a sailor with her
         language and actions. But it was
         uncomfortably entertaining.
         Before the bar, Seva had
         brought bottles he was holding
         for me and I came to the
         realization I had over 50 bottles
         FOR MY COLLECTION and the

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