Page 3 - Microsoft Word - miniz-digest-119-122.docx
P. 3
new new zealand, this & that
Thanks to Erica Mulder we have the cover bottle photo, Lighthouse Gin, and the following
new New Zealand bottle photos.
Waitui single malt Manuka
honey whiskey (note the
E) is from Kiwi Spirit
Distillery in Golden Bay. It
is expensive but thankfully
not as expensive as their
Te Kiwi blue agave spirit I
showed you in a previous
miNiZ. Te Kiwi is another
label from the same
Now, I need a little help.
For the next miNiZ I want
to write an article showing
symbols found on bottles
and what they mean. This
sort of thing:
although these are fairly obvious re-cycling symbols. I admit to not
knowing what quite a lot of the symbols mean. I told someone that an
elongated D on a bottle used to mean it was for sale in the French market.
He asked “what does it mean” and I couldn’t, and still can’t, answer that. So,
what do you know? Or what symbols can you identify (and what do they
mean of course)? Please get the information to me by mid-October,
preferably with an image of the symbol.
I forgot to show you the Mid-West show bottle for 2018. Consider the error
corrected. On the subject of the MMBC
Show, why not go next year? That will
be the 40 anniversary and so the
show should be an especially good
one. There will be many thousands of
bottles on the tables and you will get to
meet collectors from all over the world.
Best of all? Admission is free and the
show hotel is a reasonable price by US
standards. Details here:
Whoops! The picture on the right shows what happens
when a Bourbon barrel aging warehouse decides to
collapse. This happened on June 22 at the Barton
1792 Distillery and, fortunately, nobody was inside at
the time. As you can see in the next photo, only part of
the warehouse collapsed sending about 9,000 out of
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