New Zealand Miniature Bottle Club
New Zealand Miniature Bottle Club (formerly Port Nicholson Miniature Bottle Club, Est. 1981) is the only club for collectors of miniature liquor and soft drink bottles and decanters based in Australasia/Pacifica. Don't be fooled by the name, we are a true International Miniature Bottle Club with more members from outside New Zealand than living here. Our current members come from more than 30 countries: New Zealand, Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Denmark, England, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Lebanon, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Uruguay, USA etc.
Through our overseas members, this web site and by more formal means, regular contact is maintained with miniature bottle clubs and individual collectors around the world.
For our NZ based members, bi-monthly meetings are held mainly in members homes. They take the form of swap meets, barbeques, pot luck lunches etc. Our annual meeting has traditionally been a long weekend away where members can view other member's collections, trade bottles and generally have a good time. We have frequently had overseas based member attending these weekends.
Some members of the club are lucky enough to travel in the course of their work and make every effort to promote the hobby and contact members in the countries they visit. Overseas collectors who are coming to New Zealand, whether members or not, are encouraged to contact us (but why not join - it's free - see below).
Our newsletter, miNiZ, is published quarterly and a link sent to all members for you to read on-line or download. Older editions are availiable for you to download at any time but note that editions from the last 2 years are only available to members.
Membership of the club is FREE to all mini bottle collectors
FREE means FREE - no joining fee, no annual membership fee
We currently have a record number of members - Join Now
PLEASE do not use the membership form for enquiries. You can
If you run a mini bottle/decanter site that is not yet included on our "All Collecting Sites" pages please and we will add it to our site and the "All Mini Sites" custom search engine.
Search all mini bottle and decanter related sites:
Search only this site or the whole web:
Radio Interview Radio New Zealand National, This Way Up, 1st February 2014. An interview about mini bottle collecting with the club's editor and webmaster, David Smith. Unfortunatly no mention of the club (it was edited out) but worth listening to if you are a collector or are thinking of becoming one.
If you wish to link to us you may use our logo
but we won't be offended if you prefer to use text.
Like all good sites we will always be under construction. Check back often, as more pages and links will be added. All links should work - please let us know if any don't. Sites come and go and some servers are very unreliable so if a link does not work one day, try it later that day, or the next, or in a week. Note that links are designed to open in a separate window. Most people like this, a few find it annoying. If you are one of the latter - sorry! This site also uses Javascript extensively. If you have this disabled some things will not work properly. Finally, we are not perfect and improvements can always be made - suggestions are welcome.